Smith's Lawn Specialist was founded to reduce the use of pesticides in lawn care. All of us at Smith's Lawn Specialist care deeply about our environment. Our lives will be measured by the world we leave to our children and grandchildren.
Smith's Lawn Specialist pioneered Integrated Pest Management in the lawn care industry. Our technicians first identify pest and then treat selectively using today's reduced risk control products. Herbicides and insecticides are applied only as needed and then with products that are both EPA and Connecticut DEP approved and registered. Some of the new products we are using are based on natural sources such as those derived from naturally occurring herbicides produced by the bottle brush plant. All applications are made in strict compliance with label instructions and under supervision of a Connecticut state certified supervisor.
Healthy plants scrub clean the air that we need to breathe and cool our environment. The average mature lawn cools the immediate area with an equivalent of 14 tons of air-conditioning and does so using water, nitrogen, and clean solar power. A healthy lawn prevents erosion and protects our waterways. University studies show that when properly applied, fertilizers and pesticides do not leach into ground water. Water quality is especially important to us at Smith's Lawn Specialist because the majority of our recreational time is spent sailing, fishing, and swimming in Long Island Sound.
Other services we provide such as Tick Control are important to public health. Through education and the judicious use of pesticides we reduce tick born diseases. Pyrethrin products, both organic and synthesized, comprise our primary weapons today in the war on ticks. Pyrethrins are insecticides derived from African Chrysanthemum flowers and have been used by humans to control insects for over 5,000 years.
Please Recycle your grass clippings! Mow regularly, at least once per week, and return the grass clippings neatly to the lawn as you mow.